
Warning: Dangers of Deep-Frying

Warning: Dangers of Deep-Frying Warning: Dangers of Deep-Frying

Nov 11, 2019


Understand the Dangers of Deep-Frying Over Thanksgiving

  In recent years, it's become a popular trend to deep-fry Thanksgiving food. The cooking method often requires a vast amount of oil heated by propane, which can pose huge safety threats.   Dangers of Deep-Frying
  • A small amount of cooking oil coming into contact with the burner can cause a large fire.
  • An overfilled cooking pot can cause the cooking oil to spill when food items are inserted.
  • The sides of the cooking pot, lid, and pot handles can get dangerously hot, creating severe burn hazards.
  • Units can easily tip over, spilling hot oil.
  • Fryers are often not placed outside in a safe area, which puts houses and residential properties in danger.
  • Without thermostat control, deep dryers have the potential to overheat the oil to the point of combustion.
  To be safe, avoid deep frying good this Thanksgiving! Instead, whip up a delicious meal in the kitchen or ask guests to bring round dishes so that there is a combined, community effort.   If you are going to be deep-frying food this Thanksgiving, follow these safety tips:
  • Place the fryer outside, away from buildings, trees, and other flammable materials.
  • Make sure it is placed on flat ground before using.
  • Never leave the fryer alone.
  • Don't overfill the fryer.
  • If a fire does start, never use water to extinguish it.
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