You know that getting a ticket is going to drive up your car insurance rates - but new numbers from show that even small infractions can increase your premiums substantially.
A ticket for speeding less than 15 miles per hour over the legal limit, for example, will increase your premiums by an average of 21 percent. Other fairly minor traffic citations also have a substantial impact on your premiums, including following another vehicle too closely (a 19 percent increase), failing to signal (a 19 percent increase), and improperly using a car pool lane (18 percent).

The higher insurance costs can last up to three years, although taking a safety class can diminish the impact. €œMany of these courses are offered online and can be completed in just a few hours,€ senior analyst Laura Adams said in a statement.
DUIs and reckless driving had the most significant effect on insurance rates, pushing them up 93 percent and 82 percent, respectively. Seat belt violations were the least expensive violation, increasing premiums just 5 percent.
The average cost of car insurance is $762 per year,
according to In addition to taking safety and defensive driving classes, you may be able to lower your premiums by bundling your home and auto policy with the same insurer, increasing your deductible, or switching to a
pay-as-you-drive policy. Rates also vary widely based on
what time of year you purchase your policy.