Protect Your Home From Wildfires
California has been known to have devastating wildfires, spreading across the state and ruining people's homes and livelihoods. When a wildfire spreads, it's important that you know what to do as a homeowner to protect your property. While
homeowners insurance in Calimesa, CA will help in the aftermath, these tips will help to
reduce your risk of wildfire affecting your home.
Proof Your Roof
Embers from nearby wildfires often land on roofs where they can ignite a blaze that quickly envelops the whole home. A flammable roof can destroy a home in seconds, regardless of what else you do. Consider changing the material of your roof if it is made from wood shingles. A typical asphalt shingle roof will provide a non-flammable surface.
Keep Embers Out
Houses are inevitably filled with flammable materials, so if embers have the potential to blow inside, almost no home is safe. Cover any exterior vent openings. Make sure your doors are sealed properly and leave windows and doors closed during fire season.
Secure the Perimeter
Once you've focused on protecting your roof and keeping embers at bay, start to consider the five feet surrounding your house. Move firewood stacks and propane tanks away from the home, and trim back trees and shrubs that are around or hang over the house.
Create a Defensible Space
The area between 30 and 100 feet of a home is a property's front-line defense against a wildfire. The principle guiding your preparation in this zone should be to create a €œdefensible space€ that can prevent flames from approaching your home, and give firefighters a safe place to combat the blaze. In this zone, plants should be spaced out, low-hanging tree branches should be pruned, and all vegetation should be watered regularly.
Talk with your insurance agent if you're unsure about how your
home insurance can help after a wildfire. The team at Little & Sons Insurance Services in Banning, California can help! Contact us today to get started on securing reliable coverage.