
Breathing Exercises to De-Stress

Breathing Exercises to De-Stress Breathing Exercises to De-Stress

Apr 20, 2015


Breathing Exercises to De-StressWhen it comes to relaxing after a stressful day in the office or an overwhelming meeting, breathing exercises may be the solution to calming down after all the chaos. While everyone has their own method for handling stress, these breathing exercises to de-stress may be your answer for relaxing after even the most daunting of days:
  • Equal Breathing - You can calm down your nervous system, increase your focus, and reduce anxiety by taking equal breaths. Start by inhaling and exhaling for a count of four through your nose and repeat.
  • Abdominal Breathing Technique - This technique works best when done right before any stressful event, such as a big business presentation. All you need to do is take a deep breath through your nose while having one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. The goal is to take anywhere from six to ten deep and slow breaths each minute for a duration of ten minutes.
  • Alternate Nostril Breathing - Looking for a quick burst of energy? This breathing technique balances the body and helps during crunch time. Start by getting in a comfortable meditation pose and hold your right thumb over your right nostril while inhaling deeply through your left nostril. At the peak of your inhale, close off your other nostril with your ring finger and continue.
  • Skull Shining Breath - For a boost of energy and motivation, try the skull shining breath. This breathing strategy is done by taking one long and slow inhale before a powerful and rapid exhale. By completing a total of 10 breaths in this exercise, you can warm yourself up or provide yourself with a little motivational boost.
We hope these breathing strategies allow you to find relief during the most stressful of days. Serving Redlands, Beaumont, Banning, Calimesa, and all of California, contact Little & Sons Insurance Group for all of your insurance needs.
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