What Happens If I Drive Someone Else's Car?
You need to run to the store but your car is in the shop so you borrow your roommate's car. You're visiting family in another state and your cousin lets you drive his car while you're in town. There are times in life when we need to borrow a car from someone else, and all too often, we don't hesitate to slide in the driver's seat. Most of us don't stop to first consider if we are insured while driving someone else's car.
When you borrow someone else's car, in most cases, you are also borrowing the car owner's car insurance as well. That being said, you don't need insurance when you borrow a car because insurance coverage follows the vehicle, rather than the driver. While this does provide you with car insurance for a borrowed vehicle, it does so under the terms of the other person's policy and not yours.
If you regularly borrow someone else's vehicle or someone else regularly drives your car, it's a good idea to let the insurer know. Have him or her added to your policy so that they are properly covered by your policy. If your insurer finds out that you are no longer the primary driver or you have been insuring a car for someone else to drive, they may deny your car insurance claim based on you providing false information at the time of your application.
Beware of driving someone's car if he or she has little to no insurance as your own insurance policy could be triggered once their limits are exhausted. Another great tip to be aware of is to never let someone drive your car that has a suspended license or has been drinking. If they are involved in an accident, you could be sued, forced to pay the cost of the accident, and face criminal charges.
You deserve an
auto insurance policy that works together to bring you the best possible coverage from an insurer with your best interest in mind. For quality coverage, contact Little & Sons Insurance Services today.